We Went There: Global Leadership Summit

Leadership Summit Group Shot

This month several of Catty’s management staff attended the Global Leadership Summit at Willow Creek Church.  The summit featured some phenomenal speakers including, but not limited to, Melinda Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Alan Mulally, President and CEO of Ford Motors.   The excellent lineup of speakers talked a variety of important leadership topics surrounding company culture, teamwork, and executing great ideas.  Below are some takeaways from our team members who attended:

Leadership is not about just maintaining success – a leader is someone who takes others from here to there.  They are agents of change.


My biggest takeaways were all built around alternative ways we can affect people as leaders.  Our passion, our attitude when challenges arise, and our openness to new ideas can all be contagious to those we work with.


I was most inspired by the emphasis the speakers had on the ability for one person to create change in the organization.  One drop in the water causes a ripple effect!


What stuck with me were the three values for the ideal team player – you want them to be humble, hungry, and smart!


My main takeaway was to treat emotional intelligence as a skill rather than a trait.  It can be developed over time and taught to others!


Thank you to the Leadership Summit staff and all the fantastic speakers we saw.  We will definitely be attending again in 2017!