Catty Supports Candy Industry at NCA: Washington Forum

Catty at Wash Forum
Catty met with US Representative Randy Hultgren to talk about the Power of Sweet.

Earlier this month, representatives from Catty Corporation flew in to the NCA’s Washington Forum with the goal of spreading ‘The Power of Sweet’ and further strengthening our bond with the confectionery industry.   We met with Senators, Congressmen, and key political speakers to show our support for the NCA’s three advocacy pillars:

  • Sugar Reform
  • GMO Labeling
  • Country of Origin Labeling

Catty accounted for 3 of the 40 first time members to attend this year and was impressed as usual with the the Candy Industry representatives in attendance and the unity they show towards these big picture issues.  Thanks again to our fellow NCA members and the NCA staff for another great event.